Get auto repair quotes from local mechanics in your area. Easily compare price, distance and rating from local mechanics and car auto repair shops. Select a car repair shop, schedule it, and securely pay using Android Pay or a major credit card.
*All shops within the Openbay Network are required to uphold certain quality standards to ensure a first-class customer experience.
*Securely book service with the click of a button.
*All service is backed by the Openbay Peace of Mind Guarantee (Learn more at
*Receive notifications when vehicle maintenance is due
*Earn rewards cash on all booked auto repair or maintenance service.
How it works:
- Tell us about your vehicle and the type of service or car repair you need
- Receive an initial estimate to help you budget and evaluate quotes
- Based on service requested, quotes will arrive instantly or within a few hours
- Select your preferred date/time to schedule an appointment with the shop of your choice.
- Provide the shop your payment code when service is complete and you’re done!
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About Openbay:
Openbay is headquartered in Cambridge, MA, and is privately held. Investors include GV (formerly Google Ventures), Andreessen Horowitz, Boston Seed Capital, Stage 1 Ventures and several individual investors.
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